
Activity "Biographies" in the Subject "Any Questions?", 2nd ESO

Hi students! Here you have your presentations. Good work!!

  • Albert, Enric and Victor's Presentation on the footballer Leo Messi


  • Noelia and Inés Presentation on the music band One Direction


  • Karo and Eric's Presentation on the artist Skrillex

  • Paula and Marc's Presentation on the singer Juan Magan


News for ESO Students!!

Have a look to Time for Kids and know about what is happening in the world.


What's the Weather Like?

1. Have a look to this page on spoken English about the weather
3. What's the weather like in the photo?
4. Have a look to the weather forecast in your city. What's the forecast like for tomorrow? 

It is going to rain cats and dogs in Barcelona...


Legends On Board: Professions and Biographies

PART 1. Describe the Picture of this Advertisement.

1. How many people are there? Do any of these faces sound to you? 
2. What are their professions? 
3. Where are they?

Can you guess what is this advertisement about? Have a look to the TV commercial and you will discover it!

PART 2. Write a Biography.

Choose Kobe Bryant, Lionel Messi or any other person you want to write about and try to include the following details.
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Family background
  • Childhood events
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Academic record
  • Achievements in the person's chosen field
  • A funny or striking fact that you know

Don't forget to:
  • Use the connectors of sequence (First, next, after that, as soon as, in the end, etc.) 
  • Where / which / when pronouns 



Create Your Own "Keep Calm and ..." Motivational Slogan

Do you feel like creating your own motivational slogan? Do you want to decorate your agenda, folder or room with a British "Keep Calm" Poster? Try the Keep Calm-O-Matic site. It's cool!


Spring Has Come to Town

A Tulip in the City

The new season has arrived to town and the weather seems to be really mad. Some days, there are showers in the morning, sun at midday and clouds in the afternoon. Nevertheless,  in spite of these sudden changes, I love spring because for me it means renewal and rebirth.

Now, let's describe the above picture and discuss about it:

1. Name the objects that you can see at the foreground and at the background of the picture. Describe their colours, materials and patterns.
2. What will you highlight about the picture?
3. Do you think spring is noticeable in the city? In which ways? (Think about parks but also about shop windows, etc.)
4. What does spring mean to you? Which is the season that you prefer and why?

Have a Happy Spring!!


Idioms and Phrases: "Keep Clear" on Signs

Although all cultures tend to have similar signs to warn or give advice about dangers in public spaces, we can always observe slight and surprising differences between countries. 

Let's have a look to a common signal in UK which is placed on doors: Fire escape / Keep clear. 

1. Look for an equivalent sign in your country and take a picture of it. 
2. Compare the sign in your country with the above signs. 
    -What is the equivalent for the phrase "Keep clear" in your country? 
    -Are the colours used in the UK and in your country the same?  


Looking forward to see your pictures and hear your comments! :) 


Do You Need to Practise or Learn New Vocabulary?

Learning Chocolate is a Vocabulary Learning Platform which offers you the possibility of learning or reviewing vocabulary classified by categories. 
If you want to keep up to date your vocabulary using reading, writing and listening skills here you have a good option that will undoubtly help you.


British Accent Lovers: Funny Spoof about Downtown Abbey

Do you love the British accent? Here you have a funny spoof of Downtown Abbey in which Upside Downtown Abbey turns right side up.

                                                    Spoof by Sesame Street. Splendid.

How to Start a Conversation in English

Learn how to start a conversation in English in different contexts. Thanks espressoenglish!


Lilcoln: The New Film by Steven Spielberg

Don't miss this interview to Daniel Day Lewis and Steven Spielberg about their last film, Lilcoln. It is really entertaining and a great way to practise your listening skills. You can check what you get because there is a translation in Spanish at the end of each question that the interviewer makes. Enjoy listening about the film nominated for 12 Oscars!


Hi, 2013!!! Let's start with a Picture Description

Try to describe the two photographs on this post. First, for each picture, try to describe what you can see, where they are and what you think they are doing. Try also to describe the colours and textures of the animals and the background and their postures and faces. Second, I encourage you to practice contrasts between the two photos using the comparative and superlative forms  e.g. The elephant has bigger ears than the giraffe. 
Finally, think about captions for the two photographs, it can be funny!

"I'm still a baby elephant"
"I wonder if the coast is clear..."