
Idioms and Phrases: "Keep Clear" on Signs

Although all cultures tend to have similar signs to warn or give advice about dangers in public spaces, we can always observe slight and surprising differences between countries. 

Let's have a look to a common signal in UK which is placed on doors: Fire escape / Keep clear. 

1. Look for an equivalent sign in your country and take a picture of it. 
2. Compare the sign in your country with the above signs. 
    -What is the equivalent for the phrase "Keep clear" in your country? 
    -Are the colours used in the UK and in your country the same?  


Looking forward to see your pictures and hear your comments! :) 


  1. hello¡¡ it's a great blog, i'm a student of english and i think it's usefol¡¡

  2. Thanks a lot! I hope it's useful and you enjoy the posts and links. Have a look to the links at the right side of the blog, there are many useful links including one to improve pronunciation. Best wishes!
