
Mini-Project: Martin Luther King, Getting to Know Him

In the elective English subject of 3rd CSE, we are starting to read about Martin Luther King. We did a warm up, brainstorming what makes a person a hero, and students came up with several adjectives and descriptions: someone who is a hero is someone brave, courageous, defensor of human rights, hard-worker and inspirer of good actions for humanity. 

After reading a brief biography about our hero and filling in some blanks with new vocabulary, students were presented with the Mini-Project. Here is the slide that explains the Mini-Project and the woksheet, so that you can use it. 

Timing: 3 sessions (1h per session) to complete the four tasks in the worksheet (first draft) and to do the poster.
Groupings: 2-3 students 
Presentation: Peer evaluation. Rubrics will be presented in the next entrance of the blog... Enjoy!