
Working on Australia's Mini-Project

Students are working on the design of the new Mini-Project, Australia. The objectives are to get to know the history, geography, landscapes, animals and celebrities of this English speaking country which belongs to the Commonwealth.
Through the use of two dossiers of information and ICT, students did a research that later they summarized in 10 questions that they had to include in a poster.
In the meanwhile, students learnt about Australian cultural related terms, such as the Outback and the Aborigines through the movie Australia by Baz Luhrmann.

Here you have an ouline of the Mini-Project:

Introduce Australia with a True or False Quiz.

Look up for the information in the URLSs and in the dossiers that you will find in the classroom. 

Complete the questions: 

  1. Where is it situated?
  2. Is it a continent or an island?
  3. What bodies of water wash the continent?
  4. Look for a map and the flag
  5. What is the capital?
  6. The Aborigines. Who are they?
  7. The Outback. What is it?
  8. Main sights of Australia
  9. Animals of Australia
  10. Who discovered the island? In what year?
        Fun facts: Choose two fun facts about Australia that you want to share 

Using the information you will create a poster including the answers to the questionnaire, photos, the flag, and the currency of the country.

You will present the poster to the class and evaluate your group and your peers.

In next entrance...photos of the students' work!!

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